Summary: The story takes place in Texas in 1868. Wayne plays Ethan Edwards, a Confederate veteran who visits his brother and sister-in-law at their ranch, and is horrified when they are killed by marauding Comanches. Ethan's search for a surviving niece (played by young Natalie Wood) becomes an all-consuming obsession. With the help of a family friend (Jeffrey Hunter) who is himself part Cherokee, Ethan hits the trail on a five-year quest for revenge. Ranked in the American Film Institute's (AFI) top 100 movies of the last 100 years.
John Wayne ....Ethan Edwards
Jeffrey Hunter ....Martin Pawley
Vera Miles ....Laurie Jorgensen
Ward Bond ....Rev. Capt. Samuel Clayton
Natalie Wood ....Debbie Edwards
John Qualen ....Lars Jorgensen
Olive Carey ....Mrs. Jorgensen