Summary: Unseen aliens from the Moon land on Earth and take over the bodies of recently deceased humans as part of their scheme to conquer the planet in this sci-fi precursor to Night of the Living Dead (1968). In order to accomplish the takeover of Earth, these intergalactic troublemakers blow scientist Dr. Karol Noymann to kingdom come and then utilize his body as a host. John Carradine portrays the venerable scientist, although his screen time is less than three minutes.
John Agar ....Maj. Bruce Jay
Jean Byron ....Phyllis Penner
Philip Tonge ....Dr. Adam Penner
Robert Hutton ....Dr. John Lamont
John Carradine ....Dr. Karol Noymann
Hal Torey ....The Farmer
Paul Langton ....Lt. Gen. Stone